22. Februar 2022 Tobias Hohenauer

One of the things I enjoyed a lot when I was still actively doing research was going to meetings and conferences. Standing in front of my poster, presenting my own work and findings to people from the same field was not just a welcome break from lab work routine but such an important source of valuable input and new directions to pursue.
I vividly remember my first conference talk as a grad student in 2008. Practicing the presentation with my PI over and over, being on a stage and speaking into a microphone to some 100 people, and, of course, the relief when it was finally done.
Not to forget the social mixers in the evenings and all the fun people to meet, but that is another story. COVID-19 put a stop to all of this, I guess, but I am sure these events, being such a great chance to share and exchange ideas, will come back eventually.
In the meantime, I decided to try my hand at designing an advertising poster for a fictitious neuroscience meeting, including custom #3D objects, logos, and patterns. To enjoy a short tree branching #3danimation and other poster variants, please visit lifescience-graphics/works if you have the time.

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let's work together

please feel free to contact me about your project using the details provided here or through my LinkedIn profile. talk to you soon!

Dr. Tobias Hohenauer
Guardinistr. 163
81375 Munich


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